College is an amazing time in your life, one that is full of friends, having fun and of course – chicks. If you are wondering how to get laid in college, you are in the right place. It should be pretty easy if you meet the right girls and know what you are doing. The techniques in this article are not foolproof but if you put in enough work with different women, you should get what you are looking for.
Meet and hang out with girls
How are you going to get laid if you do not meet girls and a lot of them?
You should start trying to find yourself a group of girls that you casually hang with, WITHOUT trying to get into their panties.
By being around females often, you will learn how to chat to them and discover the type of things they talk about amongst their friends, this is going to be really important further down the line.
It is important that you find a happy balance with this one, make it clear that you are not gay by perhaps talking about previous relationships.
Be good at something
Fact – girls love guys that are good at something!
It’s important that you find a hobby that you are passionate about and don’t hide away from whatever that is.
A hobby that is particularly popular with chicks is sport or learning to play an instrument (the drums or guitar are always a big hit!)
It is important that you do not look obsessive about this hobby because the girls need to know you have time for them too.
Be friendly and confident
There are so many pick-up artists out there who claim that you have to treat them mean to keep them keen to get laid in college but that isn’t true.
Just be genuine to the girls that you are around and interested in.
Come across as confident, be friendly and just let your personality shine through.
It isn’t about being somebody you are not but just be the best version of you that you can be.
Keep your options open
You are going to meet many cool girls in college but don’t get invested too quickly.
In other words do not get too clingy, because girls hate that!
It is important that you show her you are into her but in a subtle way.
Don’t fall for chicks right away, it’s vital that you keep your options open.
You want to do everything possible to come across as confident and manly.
This means hanging out with your friends and doing your hobby when you are not working your magic with the girls.
Utilize texting
In 2018, social media and technology is everywhere which is why it’s really important that you use texting to your advantage if you want to know how to get laid in college.
Texting makes sense because everybody is much more confident and open during text so you can talk to the girls that you are really interested in.
Group texts are also the way to make arrangements with friends.etc. for parties and other social events, giving you more opportunities to meet people.
Go for it
You have nothing to lose, you are only in college once so chat to the girls you are interested in and the rest should go from there.
In other words, you just need to grow a pair! It’s really important that you make her laugh, so make jokes at your own expense and just have fun.
Get off the computer/your phone
Technology serves a really good purpose when it needs to and it is a great tool in the initial flirting stages but come on, you can’t exactly get laid through a computer.
Go to different events in college, be the mysterious guy that everyone comes up to but also be friendly and fun.
The world is your oyster and it’s up to you to make it happen.
Now that you know these steps, what the heck are you doing still reading this?
Everything from here is in your hands so just be confident and get out there
. You can make any woman you want yours if you know what you are doing and commit to who you are as a person.
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